Despite the advanced application of technology in virtually every aspect of the aviation industry, there remain a number of key processes that have been stubbornly resistant to change. Chief amongst these is the Technical Log (or Log Book).
Adopting an Electronic Techlog process may seem like a daunting task, but it need not be. Transitioning to a modern digital solution need not adversely impact your processes, and will bring benefits to all areas of your organisation.
Our solution is comprised of a tablet device which accompanies the aircraft (On Aircraft) and the systems that receive and provide access to data from that device (On Ground). But first let us highlight some of the benefits of having our electronic techlog.
The Converge Electronic TechLog is customisable to your specifications, giving your pilots and engineers familiar layouts and fields based your existing paper techlog, or on other applications you use. It can be as simple as couple of pages of data to fill out, or can be extensive and incorporate other modules such as Damage Recording, or Document Management. And of course with everything being remotely managed, you have the ability to modify your configuration across your entire fleet in a precise, controlled manner however, and whenever, you wish.
With the use of the ETL, we have substantial improvements in quality and efficiency. Through the digitalisation of the data we secure the transfer of error free readings on the current overall real time status of the aircraft, including all maintenance and crew activity. After only a short period from the start date using the ETL live, not a single employee wants to go back to the paper process.
A lot of the benefits arising from the Electronic Techlog are associated with it's ability to send and receive data (i.e. to be connected to the CONVERGE servers), indeed our solution is designed to be flexible and will use any available type of connection. Also, the hardware solutions we recommend have SIM card slots to ensure they maximise the chance data connectivity.
However, the CONVERGE Electronic Techlog does not require a connection to perform as the techlog. This is a subtle, but crucial, point to understand. Your techlog solution must work whether the location you are in has a mobile phone/WIFI signal or not. If the proposed solution just stops working because there is no data connection - then it is no solution at all.
The diagram above shows a very simple overview of how our solution works.
Our approach with the electronic techlog is to start with your existing process. That is why we say the techlog is configured for each airline. We do that to make the transition as simple as possible for pilots and engineers. Our aim is to make the Electronic Techlog easy to adopt and USEFUL to them. We want users to quickly reach the point that they do not want to go back to a paper process because their experience of the CONVERGE Electronic Techlog is so positive. With the changes we have implemented over the last year, deploying the techlog is also easy. We describe the process in more detail in Deploy Anywhere, but the summary is that a new CONVERGE Electronic Techlog can be configured "out of the box" - all you need is a username and password we supply.
No data gaps or manual data entry.Missing sector pages are a thing of the past. Our solution ensures that sectors are recorded consecutively regardless of the availability of data connections. In that scenario the sectors are printed, a copy left on ground before flight, and then transmitted automatically when there is a connection. As a result the completed sectors are automatically converted to the correct data format for your MRO System and forwarded. Eliminating the need for manual data entry of sectors, defects etc.
Automatically managed deferred defects, repeating tasks and checks.The CONVERGE Electronic Techlog automatically manages the dues dates for deferred defects, repeating tasks and (daily/weekly) checks. The system doesn't allow a sector to be signed off if any of these (and other things) are not in the correct state. If a check is due, it needs to be completed. If a defect is open, it needs to be closed or deferred. If a repeating task is due, it needs to be completed. Defect deferral periods are also automatically managed (we automatically calculate whether a defect is due depending on the combination of deferral criteria assigned), with users being alerted as the due date approaches. The MEL can even be integrated to make managing deferrals even easier.